Emmitsburg, Maryland
313 West Main Street PO Box 226 | Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 | 301-447-3740

Missions & Outreach Ministry
Our Missions and Outreach Ministry is grounded in Christ's Great Commission that we should spread the Gospel.
At Trinity, our Missions and Outreach projects focus on addressing the needs of the local community in Emmitsburg as well as the broader needs across the US and the world.
Community Meal
Each month, Trinity United Methodist Church sponsors, organizes, and distributes meals to the Emmitsburg Community. There are no qualifications or restrictions on receiving meals.
Led by Merri Sayler and Chuck and Donna Hawley, the Community Meal Project is grounded in Jesus' love and compassion for others. The New Testament story of Jesus feeding the 5000 is a reminder that no challenges we face here on earth are too big or complex for God's love.

Samaritan's Purse
Each year, Trinity collects items in special gift boxes that are delivered to children in need around the world each Christmas. Our volunteers also help sort and pack all these gifts so they are ready spread to Word and the Love of Christ. otherwise Samaritan's Purse is an international relief effort that includes Operation Christmas Child.
Stitch and Chat
Every other week, Elizabeth Sloane of Trinity leads a group in fellowship and crafts. Anyone is is interested in cross stitch, knitting, crochet, needlepoint, or any other art or craft is welcome to join this amazingly talented group. Many of the works they create as they chat and fellowship are donated as prayer shawls and other comforts for those in need.